Assess Changes to Certified Plan (LV Modifications)


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Assess Changes to Certified Plan (LV Modifications)

Responsible Authorities will be notified when an Applicant Contact submits changes to a certified plan at the request of Land Use Victoria (LV). This may occur at any time, once a plan has been "Released for Lodgment at LV". If plan changes are made at LV's request, a mandatory action, "Assess Changes to Certified Plan (LV Modifications)", will appear for the Responsible Authority.

By clicking on this mandatory action, the Responsibly Authority will have the option to accept or reject the plan changes. If is the plan changes are rejected, the Responsible Authority is required to attach a reason for the rejection.


In order to assess the Land Use Victoria requested changes to a certified plan, you will be required to:

  1. Select the mandatory action "Assess Changes to Certified Plan (LV Modifications)".
  2. On the "Assess Changes to Certified Plan (LV Modifications)" screen, select the appropriate assessment outcome (accept or reject), and click 'next >'.
  3. If the "accept" option is selected, a confirmation message will be displayed.
  4. If the "reject" option is selected, browse and attach a file that outlines the rejection reasons (PDF). Click 'add now', a confirmation message will be displayed.
  5. To complete the process, the "Assess Changes to Certified Plan (LV Modifications)" must be authenticated from the Details Tab, using your SPEAR password.

A notification email will be sent to the Applicant Contact advising of the outcome of your assessment.

NOTE: Changes made to a certified plan, as requested by LV (LV Modifications), will not affect the certification status of that plan. If a re-certification is required, then the Responsible Authority will need to reject the proposed changes and liaise with the Applicant Contact and LV to ensure their interests are satisfied.

If you require further information, see User Guide 12 - Land Use Victoria Requisitions and Plan Amendments.

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